corporate and think-tank researcher

Donald Gutstein


Online Publications

New Citizenship Handbook Twists ‘the Canadian Story.’ The Tyee, Mar 3, 2010

Gang Warfare, Ottawa-style: The fight pitting Big Media against Big Cable is nasty, and instructive. The Tyee, Feb 11, 2010

The Fraser Institute’s school of spin., Jan 7, 2010

This Is How You Fuel A Community Of Climate Deniers. Start with big oil companies and the money and connections flow. The Tyee, Dec 10, 2009

Following the money: The Fraser Institute’s tobacco papers., Oct 14, 2009

Fraser Institute mini study spins facts. Georgia Straight, Jul 16, 2009

Promoting Spiiritual Capital: What’s In It for Harper? Right-wing guru urges melding religion and money making. The Tyee, Mar 20, 2009

Press Panic Sweeps the Nation: How to turn a legal, logical, ‘leftish’ coalition into a hysterical crisis. The Tyee, Dec 12, 2008

Controversy Over Heather Mallick’s Sarah Pallin Remarks Shows Media Bias. Georgia Straight, Oct 30, 2008

The Real Blitz That Buried Dion: Grit leader done in by the media? You read it first in The Tyee. The Tyee, Oct 28, 2008

Libertarian media toe the anti-Klein line. Georgia Straight, Oct 11, 2007

The United States: A Leader in World Peace? Georgia Straight, Aug 16, 2007

Developers are the Games’ real winners. Georgia Straight, May 31, 2007

The ‘Flip Flop’ Drumbeat: CanWest, CTV play along as Tories label Dion. The Tyee, Mar 26, 2007

Harperstein. Georgia Straight, Jul 6, 2006

Senators Let Big Media off Hook: Committee’s long-awaited report shrugs at CanWest, targets CBC. The Tyee, Jun 29, 2006

The Global Warming Denial Lobby: The people out to ‘poison the debate on climate change.’ The Tyee, May 2, 2006

Canada Poised to Kill Kyoto: Harper’s aim given scant scrutiny by media giants. The Tyee, Jan 22, 2006

Behind the CBC’s Hit Piece on Medicare: The bias, the blank spots and the damage. The Tyee, Jan 6, 2006

Harper, Bush Share Roots in Controversial Philosophy: Close advisers schooled in ‘the noble lie’ and ‘regime change.’ The Tyee, Nov 29, 2005

How Big Media Covered the Teachers’ Dispute: Mixed messages from reporters and editorial board rooms. The Tyee, Oct 31, 2005

Share and share alike. Georgia Straight, Oct 20, 2005

Think tanks hosts global warming denier. Georgia Straight, Oct 13, 2005

The Clout of an Advertiser: CanWest publisher wrings hands over loss of Telus ads. The Tyee, Sep 26, 2005

The Sun’s Unfair Slant on the Telus Dispute: Union sources get short shrift by BC’s paper of record. The Tyee, Aug 31, 2005

Building a Left Wing CNN: Canadian Paul Jay’s drive to create Independent World Television. The Tyee, Jun 13, 2005

How CanWest Helped Elect Campbell and Company: Unlike the dubious ‘strike vote’ story, a report bad for Libs lay buried until after election day. The Tyee, Jun 6, 2005

Print Publications

Not a Conspiracy Theory: How Business Propaganda Hijacks Democracy. Toronto: Key Porter, 2009

“Conservative think tanks and the academy: Credibility by stealth?” in James L. Turk (ed.), Universities at Risk. Toronto: James Lorimer and Co., 2008

“Telling stories: news media, health literacy and public policy in Canada,” (with Michael Hayes, Ian Ross, Mike Gasher, James Dunn, & Robert Hackett). Social Science & Medicine, 2007, 1842-1852

“The brief life of the TeleLearning Network,” in Marita Moll & Leslie Regan Shade (eds.), Seeking Convergence in Policy and Practice. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2004

“Vancouver’s largest dailies are imbalanced — are you surprised?” (with Robert Hackett). CCPA Monitor, Winter 2003

“Propaganda Post: The campaign to destroy public education.” CCPA Monitor, Winter 2003

“This just in: Global warming a myth — National Post.” CCPA Monitor, August, 2001

“Editorial writers don’t share same concerns as general public” (with Scott Uzelman). CCPA Monitor, May 2001

The Missing News: Filters and Blind Spots in Canada’s Press, (Robert Hackett and Richard Gruneau with Donald Gutstein, Tim Gibson and NewsWatch Canada). Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2000

“Blindspots: Big business escapes the critical media spotlight.” Media, Winter 2000. Available

Unequal Contest 2: Think Tanks in the News.” CCPA Monitor, Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, September, 2000

e.con: How the Internet Undermines Democracy. Toronto: Stoddart, 1999

“Paper’s coverage of think tanks favours the right.” CCPA Monitor, Fall 1998

“Vancouver Sun’s coverage acid test of owner’s influence.” CCPA Monitor, Fall 1998

Question the Sun,” (with Bob Hackett and NewsWatch Canada). Burnaby: Simon Fraser University, July 1998

“Fraser Institute continues its distorting ways.” CCPA Monitor, Spring 1998

“Project Censored Canada 1996 Yearbook: Blindspots in the News Agenda?” (with Mark Lowes, Robert Hackett, Jim Winter and Rick Gruneau). Burnaby: Project Censored Canada, Simon Fraser University, 1996

“Blindspots in the News? Project Censored Canada: 1995 Yearbook,” (with Katherine Manson, Robert Hackett, Jim Winter, and Rick Gruneau). Burnaby: Project Censored Canada, Simon Fraser University, 1995

“Project Censored Canada: Researching the Nation’s News Agenda, 1994 Yearbook,” (with Robert Hackett and Project Censored Canada). Burnaby: Project Censored Canada, Simon Fraser University, 1994

“Drink Canada Dry?” (with Wendy Holm), in Crossing the Line, Jim Sinclair (ed.). Vancouver: New Star Books, 1992

The New Landlords: Asian Investment in Canadian Real Estate. Victoria: Porcepic Books, 1990

“Expo’s impact on the city,” in The Expo Story, Robert Anderson and Eleanor Wachtel (eds.). Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 1986

Vancouver,” in City Politics in Canada, Warren Magnusson and Andrew Sancton, (eds.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1983

“Vancouver Ltd. Toronto: James Lorimer & Co., 1975

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