corporate and think-tank researcher

Donald Gutstein


Donald Trump versus …Wait, Bernie Who?

08 Oct '15

They’re both running against party establishments for presidential nominations. They’re both equally popular with their party’s base. Yet Canadian media, like their American counterparts, have taken sides in the contest between democratic socialist Bernie Sanders and arch-capitalist Donald Trump. And that could serve Canadians even more poorly than it does Americans. It’s not simply the

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CCPA Monitor – Neoliberal Bedfellows

04 Dec '14

Harperism: How Stephen Harper and His Think Tank Colleagues Have Transformed Canada By Donald Gutstein Lorimer (September 2014), 288 pages, $22.95. Reviewed by Frank Bayerl While it may sometimes seem the Harper government’s policies are an ad hoc mixture of right-wing populism, poll- driven opportunism and economic austerity (with a dash of nationalism and military

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