corporate and think-tank researcher

Donald Gutstein

Historica-Dominion Institute

Follow the Money, Part 2 — Barrick Gold’s Peter Munk

10 Apr '14

The Fraser Institute awarded Barrick Gold chairman Peter Munk its T.P. Boyle Founder’s Award at a gala dinner in Toronto in 2010. This is the think tank’s most prestigious award, which it gave to Munk “in recognition of his unwavering commitment to free and open markets around the globe and his support for enhancing and

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New Citizenship Handbook Twists ‘the Canadian Story’

03 Mar '10

A close read reveals shrewd propaganda designed to expand Harper’s immigrant base. There’s a lot of war and no medicare. Beginning March 15, the 170,000 immigrants who become Canadian citizens every year will need to learn their facts about Canada from the new 62-page citizenship guide, Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, which

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