corporate and think-tank researcher

Donald Gutstein


CCPA Monitor – Neoliberal Bedfellows

04 Dec '14

Harperism: How Stephen Harper and His Think Tank Colleagues Have Transformed Canada By Donald Gutstein Lorimer (September 2014), 288 pages, $22.95. Reviewed by Frank Bayerl While it may sometimes seem the Harper government’s policies are an ad hoc mixture of right-wing populism, poll- driven opportunism and economic austerity (with a dash of nationalism and military

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Briarpatch – Think Tanks, Media and the Conventional Wisdom

14 Nov '14

Harperism: Think Tanks, Media, and the Conventional Wisdom Book review by Gerard Di Trolio • Nov 14, 2014 • Politics James Lorimer & Company Ltd, 2014. Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan so transformed the politics of the countries they governed that new political orders were named after them. In Harperism, Donald Gutstein attempts to make

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Author Donald Gutstein reveals extent of Stephen Harper revolution in new book Harperism

23 Oct '14

by Charlie Smith at 10:34 am, on Oct 1, 2014 Georgia Straight   Burnaby author Donald Gutstein has spent the past 40 years tracking the rise of neoliberal ideology. Over lunch at Tangent Café on Commercial Drive, the adjunct SFU communication professor says that after all these years, many people are confused about what this

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National Newswatch: Canadians Need to Take Their Country Back Before It’s Gone

22 Oct '14

By Frances Russell — National Newswatch — Oct 22 2014 A man and his economic dogma is quietly – and steadily – transforming Canada profoundly, perhaps beyond repair as well as recognition. From glorifying past wars to ongoing assaults on parliament, the federal public service, science and the environment and from a thinly veiled

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Waterloo Region Record: Harperism: How Stephen Harper and his think-tank colleagues have transformed Canada

18 Oct '14

Jim Romahn, Waterloo Region Record, October 18, 2014, E4 Step by step, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is, according to author Donald Gutstein, turning Canada into a far-right economic and ultra-conservative social society. Gutstein says Harper is doing this by following the lead of think-tanks set up to “research” and promote these policies, think-tanks that are

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Vancouver Sun: How Canada Made its Shift to the Right

17 Oct '14

By Tom Sandborn, Special to The Sun October 17, 2014 Harperism: How Stephen Harper and His Think-tank Colleagues Have Transformed Canada By Donald Gutstein James Lorimer & Company Ltd. No one has ever accused Stephen Harper of being dizzyingly charismatic. Few enthuse about how charming he can be in small group settings, or how

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07 Oct '14

Margaret Thatcher transformed British political life forever. So did Ronald Reagan in the United States. Now Canada has experienced a similar, dramatic shift to a new kind of politics, which author Donald Gutstein terms Harperism.

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