corporate and think-tank researcher

Donald Gutstein

B.C. politics

New BC Think Tank’s Findings Remarkably Helpful to Clark

22 Aug '14

Resource industry success benefit us all, Resource Works says. Some more than others, I say. Boost production in B.C.’s resource industries and we’ll all be better off — especially those of us in the Lower Mainland. That’s the soothing message emanating from the province’s newest corporate-sponsored think tank, Resource Works. It’s good news for all

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Kevin Falcon — The Fraser Institute’s Candidate?

24 Feb '11

There’s reason to think so. Start with his ‘heroes’ Bill Bennett, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. If Kevin Falcon wins the BC Liberal leadership contest on Feb. 26 and becomes premier, will the Fraser Institute help him craft his first budget? There’s plenty of precedent for such a scenario. Take 1983, for instance. Three weeks

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